Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

Daily Report march 7

Time and date : march 7 2019

Name of Student : Bergita Noviana Saleo

Subject : Rotation 1.3

At 8 o'clock we gather at the kitchen, Behind the kitchen to line up and praying before practic. But today im late and arrived at 08.30 o'clock . All my friend is gather in pastry and im join, we have some discussion bout the serving today. Oh yeah, i become a steward today as a punishment because im late. After that we are directed to checked our preparation, make it cooked and complete. Cause it have to be served at 10 o'clock.


At 10 o'clock , one by one food is almost sold out to the resraurant, after finishing the serving of rotation 1.3 we have a rest and shalat time, After that we are gather together and eat together. Finishing eat, then we do general cleaning , after General cleaning we take some rest until we gather to line up for praying and then go home .

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